2-EHN Siberia® – cetane improver additive (2-Ethylhexyl nitrate)

What сetane improver additives are necessary for?
Сetane improver additives managed to get so wide distribution due to their properties which arise at their addition to fuel. The increase of cetane number contributes to some favorable properties of fuel: successful start of the engine in the low temperature conditions, great environmental friendliness (emission of harmful substances in the atmosphere considerably decreases) and silence of work in comparison with work on fuel with a smaller cetane-indicator.
High-purity 2-Ethylhexyl nitrate.
Features that should be known
Popularity of the сetane improver additive 2-Ethylhexyl nitrate is explained by a number of advantages:
- it's interchangeable with additives of foreign production;
- is applied together with the antiwear and dispersant and depressor additives with full saving of diesel fuel properties, including long storage;
- tests of diesel fuels with the additive have shown that the quality of domestic additive doesn't concede to foreign analogues;
- it is registered according to the regulations of REACH.
Where to use?
It is possible to distinguish three main directions of use of the 2-Ethylhexyl nitrate additive:
- middle distillates with narrow fractional structure and temperature distillation indicators: DT (90–20 %) from 70 to 100 °С; DТ (end boiling point 90%) from 17 to 25 °С;
- wide fractions of distillates with DT value of 90-20 % from 100 to 120 °С and end boiling point below 380 °C (ASTM D86 distillation);
- high-boiling distillates with endl boiling point above 380 °C.
It is recommended to use the cetane improver additives together with dispersant and depressor and antiwear ones. Their combined usage allows to achieve the increase of the oil refinery profit. It occurs because of the high selling value of diesel fuel which proves correct by the increased quality of ignition, low engine noise, the reduced emission and easy starting of engines at low temperatures.
Activity of 2-Ethylhexyl nitrate in figures
After addition of 0,6 % of the additive to diesel fuel the cetane number raises from 48 units to 57,8. Diesel Fuel EURO as per GOST P 52368-2005. As a result of running tests the cetane improver 2-Ethylhexyl nitrate additive showed itself from the best side.
How to purchase?
To purchase our products, please call the hotline:
+7 (3852) 567-004
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