Drop® – сombustion catalyst

Combustion catalyst Drop® is a product created as a result of progressive technology. Drop® improves main operation parameters of automotive fuels and combustion process in the engine. Drop® – 1% of the total additive increases the octane number from 8 to 12 units, depending on the starting product.
- Main substance content in Drop® additive 99%
- No change of petrol color
- Low content of foreign particles providing high purity grade of product
- High stability to oxidation during storage
- Reduces of tar formation during storage
- Got lubricity effect to petrol
Advantages of Drop® additive:
Mixing Technology of gasoline and drop:
The technology of mixing together of Drop® additive and gasoline is similar to the process of mixing of all motor fuels components. However, it is important to keep in mind that density of additive is higher than density of fuels. In case of blending is insufficient, the concentration of booster in the lower part of the tank will be higher than in the upper part of the tank.
Laboratory tests of Drop®:
Patterns of gasoline recipes:Regular 92 + 1,3% of Drop®= Premium 95
Premium 95 + 1,5% of Drop®= Super 98
Recipe of premium 95 (AI -95)
Weigh 400, 00 gm of Regular gasoline (AI-92) that is equal to 98,7% of total mass and add 5,3 gm of Drop®, equal to 1,3% of total mass. Pour the additive carefully into gasoline and stir thoroughly till homogeneous mass. Evaluate the octane number by motor and research methods.
Recipe of Super 98 (AI-98)
Weigh 400,00 gm of Premium gasoline (AI-98) that is equal to 98,5% of total mass and 6,1 of Drop®, equal to 1,5% of total mass. Pour the additive carefully into gasoline and stir thoroughly till homogeneous mass. Make the evaluation of octane number both by motor and by research methods.
Test results of Drop® additive

How to purchase?
To purchase our products, please call the hotline:
+7 (3852) 567-004
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